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Light FX

This section contains various light effects that you'll see used from time to time in Myxi. Most are limited with some being quite rare. Other than the Level 0 effects, these cannot be requested in customs unless specifically stated in their descriptions. We may run special customs that allow Light FX on occasion, but we'll definitely let you know when its happening!  Most commonly Light FX will be on prize Myxi or can be obtained through breeding parent Myxi who have Light FX.

Level 0: Glow

Glow is often used to set a Myxi off on it's background a bit. A colorist may add glow at their discretion but it can also be requested for free in customs. Most of the time, we can add glow to the entire Myxi or to individual items or mutations. Glow can be anything from subtle to a Lot of glow.

Open versions of the "Aether Bottle" and "Potion Bottle - Travel Size" can have some "magic" rising out of them, usually in the form of a misty vapor and/or sparks and shapes. This effect can be requested though it won't be used excessively. In other words, if you have 20 bottles, it is very unlikely that all of them will have Potion Aether rising from them!

Level 1: Potion Aether

Small, somewhat subtle twinkles of light. These cannot be requested but may show up on prizes or might be added to a Myxi via inspiration items during customs.

Level 1: Twinkles

Light that covers the lines and shading along the edges of mutations or accessories. This cannot be requested but may show up on prizes or might be added to a Myxi via inspiration items during customs.

Level 1: Burning Edges

Colorized shading on Hair type manes and tails (or the hair portion of a tail). Hair Roan is often used to "color correct" hair tones that are dulled by the heavy shading on some mane and tail styles. Colorists are allowed to use this Hair Roan at their discretion. 

Colorized shading on any other portion of a Myxi is a Level 3 Light FX simply called Roan.

Level 1: Hair Roan


Small round sparkles of light that are on top of the Myxi shading and likely scatter around the Myxi. These may be standard with a few Myxi items such as Spark Shoes but otherwise are considered a Light effect. They are sometimes used along the edges of the our backgrounds/certs and are not considered a light effect in this case.

Level 2: Sparks

Larger round orbs of light that are on top of the Myxi shading. Similar to Sparks only larger and generally fewer.

Level 2: Orbs

Level 2: Shimmer

Fine sparkles of light within the lines and shading of mutations or accessories. This effect tends to work better on lighter colors as contrasted in the example image.

The same as Sparks but in obvious lines or trails.

Level 3: Spark Trails

Obvious shapes that surround or may move in trails around a Myxi. Colored but not shaded/highlighted (otherwise you might be looking at a floating accessory instead of a light effect!)

Level 3: Confetti

Excess shading on mutations or possibly accessories. Gives a look of satin fabric or possibly even a more metallic look. This effect will deaden colors a bit so drab or pale colors may not work well. Example image shows Satin on body and legs.

(Compare to images above or below to see the contrast between Satin and normal shading)

Level 3: Satin

Colorized shading on anything other than Hair type manes and tails. Body Roan is shown.

Level 3: Roan


Wispy brushes of translucent light that travel over the Myxi and background. 

Level 3: Wisps

Similar to Wisps but effecting only the Myxi (not the background) and including an outer Glow.

Level 3: Aura

Markings painted on top of the Myxi shading which may or may not have some independent shading of their own. Despite the name, Body paint can be used on other mutations and accessories. The example image shows the difference between Body Paint and a custom marking. Markings will always be under the shading to appear as part of the Myxi. Body Paint should be thought of as something painted onto the Myxi. With certain colors, it may be hard to tell markings from Body Paint. It is far more likely you will have custom markings but your colorist can generally help identify these two for you.

Level 4: Body Paint

Light emanating from the center of a Myxi.

Level 4: Inner Light

Light emanating from the inside of a Myxi, based at the edges.

Level 4: Inner Glow

Level 4: Eclipse

Heavy shadow on portions of the Myxi cast by heavy backlight. Standard color is black but can be other Dark colors. Small but bold Glow with characteristic Flare originating somewhere along the line of the glow. White is standard for Glow and Flare though other light or bright colors might be allowed.

This effect may not work well with all Myxi customization options or all other Light FX. 

Level 5: Neon

Colored Lines on Mutations and possibly some accessories. Please note that due to the way the Myxi templates were originally constructed, Level 5 Light FX can be pretty time consuming or difficult for colorists. Expect these to be Quite rare!

There are a few newer Myxi items were designed with the ability to easily color lines and it is not as rare to see them colored - such as our Rose and other flower items.

Level 5: Luminescence

Colored Lines and shading creating a flat but colorful Light effect. This effect is not recommended for all mutations and accessories, especially smaller ones.

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