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Welcome to the Town of Xyi

Amongst the mists of time and lying somewhere in the spaces in between worlds, there is a little town that only Myxi can find. This place is somehow all at once ancient and new, dealing in relics of yesteryear and bits of cutting edge brilliance. This gathering of shops is the town of Xyi, where Myxi can find every little thing they may need or desire. Nothing is more prized than the various creatures found for sale here known as Pyxi.


Pyxi are everything from pets to advisors and often attach themselves to Myxi to offer their guidance and companionship. In true Myxi fashion, Pyxi cannot be purchased at a simple pet shop. Instead, you will find them in very unique shops tucked away in Xyi. Take a stroll around this amazing little villa. If you're not a Myxi, you may not be lucky enough to find it again! Best to enjoy it while you can.

 The Shops of Xyi

Pyxi are grouped by the shop in which they are sold.

Click the shop links below to explore the Pyxi that originate there.

(More shops to come - This Area is Under Construction)

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